Radon Testing
Quick Facts about Radon
Radon is chemically inert, naturally occurring radioactive gas
Radon gas is the number 2 cause of lung cancer globally, after smoking
You cannot see, smell or taste radon gas
A combination of local geological features, the design and construction of your home, climate, and lifestyle can lead to high indoor radon levels
The only way to be sure the Radon level in your home is safe is to test
Is my home at risk?
Unsafe radon levels have been found in homes of many different designs, in many locations
Houses with dangerously high radon levels have been found next door to home with low radon levels
Most counties in Illinois have an average radon level higher than the US EPA's reccomended level
The only way to be sure your family is safe from indoor radon is to test the radon levels in your home

For more information about Radon...
Give us a call! We are always happy to answer your questions.